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A Mermaid Among Sharks (Co-authored with my amazing wife Tiffany) Tiffany Gallant was born and raised in Jacksonville, FL. She is 35 years old; married; and has one beautiful and amazing daughter. She is a survivor of rape, domestic violence, and human trafficking. Tiffany has overcome traumatic obstacles through a life of faith, perseverance, and love. In May of 2016 she successfully graduated with her Associates of Arts Degree. She is now in college getting her Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services. She volunteers her time as a cat rescuer. In addition to this, Tiffany does whatever she can to help her husband get his story out there to those who need it. She is an amazing wife and mother; and an outstanding example of faith, courage, and fortitude. This is her story. May it bring you hope, encouragement, and inspiration.


My Heart Has Been Restored This book has been inspired by a miracle of redemption I had been praying for every day for many years now. Only God can restore what was once lost. Only God can repair what was once broken. It is my utmost desire that this 30 day Bible Devotional inspires you to hope more than you ever have in your life. Never stop praying for your own personal miracles, because God can act just when you least expect it – but right when you need Him the most. Thank you for choosing to read this book. I will be praying that God works miracles in your life, just like He has in mine.

41L4Z86LLoL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_The Mighty Kittens of Judah This book has been inspired by my love for God, combined with my love for cats. Wisdom can be found in seemingly common places. All we have to do is look. While watching our precious pets during the course of life, I couldn’t help but notice how God would speak to me through their actions and habits. This work is the product of that insight. It is my utmost desire that you find joy, inspiration, hope, and even some laughter within these pages.

41nYgonpTmL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_Wisdom From the Ages There is an unbreakable law of History. That which has happened before will happen again, if the same ingredients and actions are present. Within these pages you will find an abundance of wisdom from world-changing men and women, both from secular and Biblical history. It is my sincere hope that you put this wisdom to action in your own life, so that you may achieve even greater success than the figures contained herein. May God bless you in your journey.

51To+452TqL.SR160,240_BG243,243,243Bits and Pieces This is a bible devotional for gamers everywhere. It also includes my 40 day devotional which is based on world history, which is called “A Book of Remembrance.” God bless you all, and I hope you enjoy!

41TwC0wXQtL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_The Black Hole Effect This book has been a labor of love. It is based off what I hope will become my signature speech as I grow as a public speaker. This is a guidebook to help you make better choices in life, and it is based on Christianity, science, research, experience, and good old common sense. I hope you find much growth from this work, and those to come.

41pMvTakGjL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_Vodka, Vagabonds, and Victory: A Tale of Hardship and Redemption This tale is not for the faint of heart. Within these pages you will find a journey from the depths of despair, through a tortured hell, and into the mind of a beast. But at the heart of this story you will also find a tale of redemption that will lead you upon a lighted path to the heights of victory. There’s a little humor thrown into the mix too. A strange little Italian man once said the following, “I’ve got the biggest house in the world, I just don’t have a roof.” This is God’s love story to Robert, and to anyone suffering from addiction, homelessness, or any other seemingly hopeless situation. It is my utmost desire that you enjoy it. Includes the 40 day devotional, “A Book of Remembrance,” in its entirety.